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Hardware Placement Guide

I like to refer to cabinet hardware as the jewellery piece to on your cabinetry. A well selected piece of hardware will complete the look you were trying to achieve and set the tone for the space.

Believe it or not, the placement of your hardware actually makes a difference as to how the piece will feel! Today, I'm sharing my hardware placement guide with you as well as some general hardware tips.

The placement of a piece of hardware can turn your cabinets from traditional to modern.

Keep scrolling to see my hardware placement guide!

Here are some general tips to keep in mind when selecting and thinking about the placement of your hardware:

1. Traditionally, I recommend knobs for your doors and handles for your drawers.

When opening a door, it doesn't take much physical effort, so a knob is sufficient.

When opening a drawer, you are pulling the weight of the drawer and everything that is in it.

A handle is a better option to give you maximum grip and support.

You can opt for knobs on small/accent drawers that won't carry a lot of weight.

2. For a more modern feel, I recommend going with all handles. Typically, the slimmer and longer, the more modern they feel.

Another modern option is to go with channel hardware or no hardware at all!

If you lean towards the look of no hardware, I recommend going with magnetic latches that are installed on the inside of the door/drawer front (not visible from outside).

3. For drawers wider than 24," I recommend one long handle or two small handles.

My favourite hardware company is Amerock because they have so many beautiful and uniquely designed pieces. Here are a few of my favourites:

Comment below with your favourite hardware piece!

With gratitude,


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