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Regency Architecture

Regency architecture reflects the Regency Period in England when George, the Prince of Wales, became Regent (temporary king) for his ill father.

He reigned as a Regent for nine years before taking the throne, becoming King George IV.

George commissioned architect John Nash to build the Royal Pavilion Brighton which reflected the Prince’s exotic tastes. This was the beginning of the Regency style.

By Qmin - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Regency architecture is greatly influenced by classical Greek and Roman architecture but also mixes Egypt, the Middle East and Asia styles.

The regency movement was popular in Canada from 1820-1840. It was brought by retired British officers who had served in the Mediterranean and Far East and wanted their homes to reflect what they had experienced.

Regency architecture at its core, set great importance between the building and its surrounding landscape.

Regency architectural features include:

  • Symmetrical, rectangular buildings

  • Strong horizontal emphasis

  • Brick or stucco façade, sometimes painted white

  • Wrought iron balconies

  • High ceilings

  • Hip roof

  • Deep eaves

  • French doors or tall windows leading to verandas

  • Verandas running length of house or sometimes around sides

  • Verandas have bell-cast roof and delicate treillage posts

  • Usually 1 or 1.5 stories

  • Recessed front door with sidelights and transom

  • Possibly a belvedere is present

Castle Dundurn in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada is an extravagant example of Regency architecture. You can actually tour Castle Dundurn and see this magnificent house for yourself!

By Nhl4hamilton (Rick Cordeiro) - Own work, Public Domain,

While Castle Dundurn is quite excessive, elsewhere in Ontario, Canada, the regency style was much more subdued taking the form of a villa or cottage like the picture below:

Stratford, Ontario, Canada

With gratitude,


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